Saturday, November 13, 2010

Are "foodies" philosophies backfiring?

An article I just read in the NY Times made a really good point. As righteous and politically correct as it is, advocating for grass-fed beef, naturally pastured chicken, organic produce, unprocessed grains, etc. etc. has its downsides in the fact that those fighting these battles can intimidate and scare away those less knowledgeable than they. While intentions are good, being too aggressive, passionate, and "close-minded" can push away people who begin to dabble in topics such as these. The fact of the matter is that we are all fighting for the same goal - to live better, more healthy and full lives.

THIS ARTICLE discusses 3 experiences in which the "more-knowledgeable" come across as condescending and belittling to the "less-knowledgeable". I agree with the writer, that this in no way accomplishes anything, I would go as far as saying that it most likely, in fact, pushes people away towards the things that we are all fighting against.

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